I don’t want to get her out. I need to go to bed.
Round and round she goes. In a ball life is a wheel.
Sad frowny face. Begging for freedom. Freedom to dig a hole and run amuck.
Climbing, burrowing. Sleeping. Shitting. Repeat.
Pizza in the oven pissing greasy mozzarella steam. Burble gorp blorp.
Plesteocine era chicken shapes bake nearby. Our comfort is someones else’s
homacidal ending. Ba bock bock bock.
Our home is a maze. Moving forward in time, towards a renewal of decay.
The carpet rots and is torn away by thousands of footsteps, day after day. The same trail traveled.
She has so much energy. This hamster on care and watch in our home.
A crap in the hand. A pee in the bush. Never-ending warp speed forward,
towards an unattainable escape. Not on my watch, sweetie.
Beets bleed blood where you least expect it. Un-cut hands, shirts and cutting
boards. Within porcelain thrones. Roasted in the oven really brings out the flavors.
Tastes more like food and less like soil. I guess that’s the point. To forget that is comes
from the Earth. But everything comes from the Earth, that exists on it’s surface. Unless
you are a shooting star, like David Bowie. Unless you are Ziggy Stardust.
Is that what we all desire in this life? Caffeine and something just a little more decadent
than my regular fair?
Breathing in the cool night air, after a day of hot energy a sweating sun.
I’m finding it hard to go to sleep on a summer’s night. It feels natural to fight sleep. I can sleep
early in the winter. These are truly the salad days, Ed.